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  • Writer's pictureDavid Ashdown

Controlling Anxiety

Anxiety is a crippling emotion and it affects all of us at some point in our lives, it can be frequent or infrequent but the 'pressure' is the same. The real word and being present, in that moment, can seem a distant objective.

There are methods that you can adopt to control anxiety. Let's be clear it is a different process to remove your anxiety. Here I demonstrate a process you can practice to control the moments of anxiety that impact you.

Firstly learn to identify the feelings, emotions and sense you have when you feel anxious. You will know. Then label it, this step is critical, 'I am feeling anxious'.

Once you have labelled the state of anxiousness, learn to recognise when you are feeling anxious. It is very likely at this point your breath is elevated, you breathe from your chest activating your 'flight-or-fight' nervous system flooding your body with adrenaline and cortisol which exaggerates your sense of fear, you have a form of tunnel vision and you want to get out of there now!! Recognise being anxious, this step allows you to identify your emotion. Immediately your brain responds by saying 'OK, I know what is going on here, I know this feeling'.

Then the key to controlling your anxiety. Your breathing. Take a breath, through your nostrils to your centre. Imagine a full breath reaching your belly button, deep inside your body. Inhale for a count of 3, no pause, exhale for a count of 6 or 8 through your nostrils or mouth. Repeat this breathing process as you feel your body and mind establish a sense of calm and being in control. You activate your 'rest-and-digest' nervous system flooding your body with the good chemicals, dopamine and serotonin. At this point your Vargas nerve is telling your brain 'I got this, no need to be anxious'.

When you first practice this process it will take time, but soon you will master control in a few extended exhales.

If you want to learn more about the power of breathing and controlling your anxiety then click this link to book a 1-on-1 session with me.

If you want to discuss how to remove your anxiety let's book a session to understand more about you and how I can help.

Let me know how you find the breathing routine in calming your anxiety and regaining control in a situation. Add comments below this blog.

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