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David Ashdown
Founder - Monkey One
CEO - Vuka Group 

I am the CEO of Vuka Group, based in Cape Town, South Africa. We are a business that brings together people and organisations to connect with information and each other, across digital and in-person environments. We are a team of 52 passionate professionals who care about our portfolios and the results we drive for customers and the industries we serve. 

I have been fortunate to work with business leaders who have become mentors and coaches that have invested time and energy to support me to grow as a business leader but more importantly as a person. 

I am fortunate to now have the opportunity to support others and give back. This boutique coaching agency is my place to connect with people and share my skills, learning and knowledge. It is not a scaled platform and it will remain niche so I can work closely with my connections. 

Mike Irving has been my coach for 3 years now. I have learned the value of quality of communication and the principles of removing resistance to live to your full potential. It was our first session and the introduction of centered breathing that began a wonderful learning experience into the power of breath. 

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Mike Irving 
Founder & CEO - Advanced Business Abilities 

Mike Irving founded a sales solutions company at the age of 21. Over the next decade, he grew his business successfully by helping his clients lower the cost of their acquisition strategies. This helped Mike develop exceptional skills in training, interviewing and leading teams.

Mike thrived in business because he enjoyed working with people, but there was something wrong inside of him that went unnoticed by most. Mike’s emotional toll affected both his personal and business life. His relationships faltered because he was working 80-90 hours a week, and his business suffered due to stress and being overworked.


Through the course of his business, Mike sought help from coaches. Unfortunately, that help didn’t work. The coaches he used were both smart and experienced, but their programs were generic and often difficult to implement. They didn’t handle the problems Mike was experiencing. They actually made them worse… until he found the style of coaching he now delivers.

The solution lied in an understanding of what gets in the way of implementation. The understanding Mike came to revealed detailed information about the way we create our own reality as beings.


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