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Sunrise from Below Architecture

Understanding core principles of effective communication is the foundation of our coaching environment and we work with individuals, teams and organisations to leverage change.

Our coaching model is neither prescriptive or curriculum-led. We are experts in working with communication to realise results. We follow a process of core principles that identify areas of 'emotional charge' and how this is affecting you. We are all energy beings and our personal energy map is shaped over many years of personal experiences, positive and negative. This energy is also known as theta energy. Our approach to working with individuals allows you to recognise where you are affected in your performance and to deal with its cause not its affect. A powerful process that when given your attention will close areas of emotional charge, forever. 

It is through communication that we create the greatest impacts on the quality of our lives. It is very possible to be trapped in your own poor communication style or your negative interpretation of communication received that limits your outlook and future, causing the creation of emotional charge. We will deal with that and you will give yourself the life you desire and demand.


Work with a coach and witness the change from the first conversation. 


Become an exceptional communicator and see all areas of your life change for the good. Be an aspirational leader with meaningful relationships and become a high-performance individual.   


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